Immunization records & health forms
Immunization records and forms must be submitted to attend classes at Jamestown Community College. You are solely responsible for submitting all immunization records to JCC. Failure to comply will result in administrative withdrawal from JCC and a $25 fine.
Submit your MMR, Meningitis, & immunization records via Med+Proctor
- Register a new account at Med+Proctor »
- Download and complete your required forms.
- Upload your completed forms into Med+Proctor.
- If you decline the Meningitis immunization, complete the Meningitis Declination form in addition to submitting MMR to Med+Proctor.
- Watch your JCC email for verification messages and additional steps to reach verified status.
Measles, Mumps, & Rubella
According to New York State law, students born on or after January 1, 1957, and enrolled in post-secondary institutions must provide proof of immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) if they take at least six credit hours.
- This proof can be provided by showing two doses of the MMR vaccine given at least 28 days apart, on or after the first birthday. The second dose should ideally be given between the ages of four and six but no later than 15 months after the first.
- If the vaccines were received before 1968, they must be documented as live vaccines to meet the requirement. Other ways to show immunity include a physician-documented history of the disease and serologic evidence of immunity. For more information, visit
Students registered for online courses only and not meeting on campus are exempt. This exemption is in place to ensure all students, regardless of their course format, are considered in our health and safety policies.
New York State public health laws mandate that colleges provide information regarding meningitis to college students.
Forms separate from Med+Proctor
COVID-19 vaccination
JCC no longer requires COVID-19 vaccination. COVID-19 vaccination is recommended by NYS Department of Health and the CDC.
If you have received the COVID-19 vaccination, submit your records:
For more information, visit
Residence Life health history form
If you live in the residence halls on campus, you must also submit:
Nursing & OTA forms
JCC's Nursing and Occupational Therapy Assistant programs require additional immunizations:
- Varicella times two (Chicken pox or positive Titer)
- Hepatitis B: Clinical sites request that you educate yourself about Hepatitis B. You are at an increased risk in the clinical setting of exposure to Hepatitis B and other diseases. Get updated vaccination for Hepatitis B or sign the declination on your JCC health report form that you will receive through your program. Hepatitis is a series of three.
- TDAP (Current within the last 10 years)
How to find your immunization records
- Check with family members if you have "baby books" or childhood health records
- High school transcripts or transcripts from other colleges
- Family doctor
- Military records
Consent for release of health & medical information
The Consent for Release of Health and Medical Information form lets you authorize JCC Health Services to disclose or receive information contained in your record to or from an organization that you specify.